73.9% Proficiency in Reading
69.6% Proficiency on the Math MCA
66.7% Proficiency on the Science MCA

63.7% Proficiency in Reading
37.8% Proficiency on the Math MCA
39.8% Proficiency on the Science MCA

MCA Achievement Level Descriptors

    • We map out a complete learning program that provides each student with a broad-based education.

    • We clearly define the knowledge and skills that each student must master at each grade level to create high levels of academic expectation and define outcomes.

    • We have realigned the Core Knowledge Scope and Sequence for our Middle School to meet Minnesota State Education Standards, to promote cross-disciplinary learning, to account for adolescent development, and to prepare students for High School.

    • We eliminate many of the gaps and repetition characterized in standard curriculums.

    • We tie knowledge, skills and concepts together across subject areas to reinforce learning.

    • The differences in student individual ability and the variances in their learning readiness or mastery of necessary skills or knowledge are accommodated for each student in every classroom.

    • We continually measure and assess student progress, frequently sampling student work and continually assessing student performance (data), quickly identifying any student who is struggling with any part of the curriculum, then addressing issues right away and making adjustments as necessary to target support and improve student performance.

    • We maintain Professional Learning Communities for our teachers and specialists, stressing meaningful professional development for our own learning, and we focus on data-driven instruction and interim assessments to monitor student growth.